Sunday, 3 April 2011

The best thing about the approach of Easter is...

There is something unbeatably delicious about them, has anyone else noticed that the shells of the yellow ones taste slightly different? I like to hoard them and save them till last (I used to do a similar thing with orange smarties).  So, to celebrate the arrival of these most classic and loved Easter treats I decided a cake was in order, I snaffled a couple of bags on offer in the supermarket and set to work.

The cake was destined to brighten up the usual dullness of a Thursday afternoon spent in a dingy underground lecture theatre with my fellow medical students for our "Taught Course" lectures, so I used the mini eggs to make it as colourful and cheerful as possible!  It seemed to go down well, chocolate cake never does fail to please :)

My "Taught Course Cake":


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