Sunday, 24 April 2011

Beaucoup de fromage

I have spent the last few days in France, it has been delightful.  As usual I came with the intention to do lots of work and lots of exercise, and as usual I have failed on both fronts, choosing instead to indulge myself in good books, fine wine and fine food (I have no regrets).  Naturally, being in France, this has involved beaucoup de fromage.

Though I have done little baking during my time here, a previous creation did make its way into conversation, via mother's i-pad (i think soon we shall need no paper at all - probably a good thing for the trees), during an evening spent with our neighbour and his extended family celebrating his 80th birthday.  Mum passed the photo round of my "Cheese"- cakes, the french seemed impressed (though possibly slightly bewildered as to the motivation, why not just eat the real thing?!) and even picked out the French cheeses they could recognise.  My lack of french means that I have little to say at these events, tending instead to stay safe with smiling and nodding, so it was nice to contribute something to the conversation - though now I think I will be forever remembered as la fille qui fait les fromages de gateaux...

I made the cakes for a friend's birthday, and the best part was that people even ate the cake like it was cheese.

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